Our object in the present series of papers is to bring before our readers
some results of recent studies of the prophecy of The Seventy Weeks (#Da
9$), and of the Lords discourse on Mount Olivet (#Mt 24$ Mr 13$
Lu 21$), in which He applied and expanded a part of that prophecy.
Writings and addresses on prophecy always excite interest, because they
appeal to the element of curiosity which is prominent in human nature.
But such writings and addresses are of benefit only so far as they rightly
interpret the Scripture. In the case of unfulfilled prophecy this is oftentimes
a matter of difficulty; while on the other hand writers on prophetic themes
are under constant temptation to indulge in surmises and speculations,
and even in flights of imagination. Much has been put forth as interpretation
of prophecy which is utterly unproved, but which could not be disproved
except, as in cases where dates have been set for the coming of Christ,
by the event itself.
Another fact which has been impressed upon us in this connection is that
there has been no progress in the interpretation of unfulfilled prophecy
for a good many years. At "prophetic conferences, " and in books
and magazines, the same things are being repeated today, with little variation,
that were said a century ago. It would seem that, for some reason, the
Lord has not been, of late, shedding fresh light upon this part of His
precious Word. Our own thought about the matter is that writers on prophecy
have gone so far in advancing, and the people of God in accepting, mere
conjectures, unproved theories, or at best mere probabilities, as interpretations
of the prophetic Scriptures, that there must needs be a surrender of our
speculative ideas, and a retracing, of some of our steps (which have diverged
from the truth), ere there can be any real advance in the understanding
of this part of the Word of God.
Having these things in mind, we purpose, in entering upon the present
line of studies, to be governed by certain principles which, we believe,
should control at all times those who assume to expound the Word of God
to their fellow saints.
The first of these controlling principles is, neither to accept nor to
give forth as settled interpretation anything that rests upon surmise
or mere probability; but only what is supported either by direct proof
from Scripture, or by reasonable deduction therefrom. We maintain that
it is far better to have no explanation at all of a difficult passage
than to accept one which may turn out to be wrong. For it is not easy
to give up an idea when once we have committed ourselves to it.
In fact, that which chiefly stands in the way of the acceptance of fresh
light and truth from the Scriptures is the strong (in some cases almost
invincible) reluctance of the human mind to surrender, or even to examine
the ground of, opinions which possibly were originally accepted upon human
authority only, and without any inquiry as to the support which can be
found for them in the Word of God.
Another guiding principle is that the proof adduced in support of any
interpretation should be taken from the Scripture itself. Our conviction
is that, whatever information is essential for the interpretation of any
and every passage of Scripture is to be found somewhere in the Bible itself.
Were it not so the Holy Scriptures would not be able to make the man of
God perfect, that is to say, complete, and thoroughly furnished unto every
good work (#2Ti 3:16,17). We must, of course, appeal to history in order
to show the fulfilment of prophecy; for it cannot be shown in any other
way. But the interpretation of Scripture is another matter.
Furthermore, wherever we offer a statement or opinion to the reader for
his acceptance, we feel bound to give along with it the proofs by which
we deem it to be established. This should be demanded of every writer.
But, most unhappily, there are now in circulation many books dealing with
Bible subjects, whose authors deem themselves to be such high "authorities"
that they habitually make assertions of the most radical sort without
citing in support thereof any proof whatever. We earnestly caution our
readers to beware of all such. It is not according to the mind of God
that His people should rest upon any human "authorities" whatever.
His own Word is the only authority.
These papers are prepared for the benefit of "the common people."
What we undertake by the grace of God to do is to make every statement
and conclusion so plain, and to support it by such clear proof from the
Scriptures alone, that the ordinary reader will be able both to see for
himself the meaning of the passage, and also to comprehend perfectly the
scriptural evidence by which that meaning is established. Thus he will
be entirely independent of all human "authority."
This is an exceedingly important point. For, as matters now stand, it
would be difficult or impossible to find any one whose view of the Seventy
Weeks prophecy does not rest, as to some one or more essential features
thereof, upon mere human authority. In our own case, when we began these
studies (about May 1921) our opinion (in regard especially to the chronology
of the prophetic period) had no better basis than that such were the views
of certain eminent writers on Bible topics; and this was most unsatisfactory,
because we knew that there were other equally eminent students of the
Bible who held an entirely different view. But now we are in no uncertainty.
We have solid ground under our feet; for every conclusion rests upon the
unshakable rock of Gods own testimony. This is as it should be.
We wish particularly to impress upon our readers that the proofs furnished
by the Scriptures for our comprehension of this great and marvellous prophecy
are not hard to understand or to apply. On the contrary they are quite
simple. On a moments reflection it will be seen that it could not
be otherwise. For the Scriptures were written, not for the erudite, but
for the simple minded. Our Lord said, speaking of this very prophecy,
"Whoso readeth, let him understand" (#Mt 24:15); and it should
not surprise us to find that all the materials needed for our understanding
of the matter are contained in the Bible itself.
Bible Chronology. Prior to the publication of Martin Ansteys great
work in 1913, all the existing systems of Bible Chronology were dependent,
for the period of time embraced by the Seventy Weeks, upon sources of
information outside the Bible, and which are, moreover, not only unsupported
by proof, but are in conflict with the Scriptures. Ansteys system
has the unique merit of being based on the Bible alone. Therefore it is
capable of being verified by all Bible readers. But for the prophecy of
the Seventy Weeks there is no need to resort to any system of chronology,
seeing that the prophecy contains its own chronology. In fact the difficulties
and confusion which have arisen in connection with this prophecy are due
in large measure to the attempt to make it conform to an incorrect chronology.
The Scripture we are now about to study is one of the most marvellous
and most transcendently important in the Word of God. That which is of
supreme interest in it is the divinely revealed time measure, starting
from the return of the Israelites out of Babylonan historical event
second in importance only to the Exodus from Egypt down to the culminating
event of all prophecy and all history, even "unto Messiah, "
and to His being "cut off and having nothing."
The very nature of the things here revealed is a guaranty that, in the
Scriptures themselves, will be found everything that is needed for a right
and clear understanding thereof; and further that the whole matter lies
within the comprehension of ordinary saints. All we ask of our readers
is their prayerful attention to the Scriptures to which we shall refer.
Upon that sole condition we can confidently promise them that they will
be well able to understand every matter advanced, and to see for themselves
whether it be supported by the Word of God or not.
Finally we desire to say that the conclusions we have reached involve
nothing (unless in respect to some minor details) that has not been pointed
out by sound Bible expositors of other days. This, however, we were (in
some important particulars) unaware of until our studies were completed;
for while they were in progress we consulted no human authorities except
Ansteys Bible Chronology, mentioned above.
If any of our readers should find themselves in disagreement as to any
of the matters set forth herein, we would ask of such only a patient examination
of the proofs advanced, together with that measure of kindly toleration
which is to be expected in such cases amongst those who are, with equal
sincerity, seeking to know the mind of God.
The book of Daniel differs in marked particulars from all others. The
miraculous element abounds in it; and because of this it has been within
recent years an object of venomous attack by the enemies of truth. Furthermore,
the communications found in it are not, like other prophecies, in the
nature of exhortations and warnings to the people of that time; for Daniel
was not (like the other prophets), the messenger of God to the people
of Daniels own day. They are, on the contrary, in the nature of
Divine revelations, given to Daniel, either in the form of visions, or
of messages direct from heaven. It does not appear that they were communicated
to the people of that day. Thus the book is seen to be not for the people
of Daniels own time, but for those of a later period or periods.
Here is a very marked difference between the prophecies of Daniel, and
all others.
Moreover, the book of Daniel has to do in a very special way with Christ;
and to this feature we would call particular attention. Christ Himself
is distinctly seen in it, once in earth in the midst of the burning fiery
furnace, delivering the men who trusted in their God (#Da 3:25); and once
in heaven, receiving an everlasting Kingdom (#Da 7.13, 14). And beyond
all else in interest and importance is the fact that to Daniel was given
the exact measure of time from an event clearly marked in his own dayan
event for which he had fervently prayedto the coming of Christ,
and to His being "cut off." Moreover, in this connection God
revealed to Daniel the marvellous things which were to be accomplished
through the crucifixion of Christ, as well as the overwhelming judgmentsthe
"desolations"far surpassing anything of like nature theretoforewhich
were to fall upon the City, the Sanctuary and the People, in consequence
of their rejection and crucifixion of Christ.
In respect to these remarkable and immensely important features the book
of Daniel stands in a class by itself.
Moreover, this book contains, not only predictions that were to be fulfilled
at the first coming of Christ, but also predictions relating to the end
of this present age. For we have in the vision of the great image of gold,
silver, brass, iron and clay, recorded in chapter 2, an outline of the
course of human history from Daniels own time down to the second
coming of Christ in power and glory; and the breadth of the prophecy is
such that it embraces the chief political changes of the whole world.
It is doubtless because of the unique character and importance of this
book that it has been so fiercely attacked within recent times, and that
every attempt has been made to raise a doubt as to its authenticity; for
great efforts have been made to convince the people in general that it
was not written by Daniel, or in his day. Those attempts have conspicuously
failed; but the efforts of the adversary to discredit this book are still
to be seen in the crude interpretations, miscalculations, and fantastical
views which have been poured forth in this day, now that it has become
a matter of importance to "understand" these prophecies.
An intimation of the efforts that would be made to becloud the prophecy
of Daniel is found in the words of Christ when, in referring directly
to that prophecy, He said, "Whoso readeth let him understand"
(#Mt 24:15). But those words may also be taken as an encouragement to
seek a right understanding of that wonderful series of prophecies.
The chief interest of our study centres in the revelation given to Daniel
in the first year of the Medo-Persian empire, and found in the ninth chapter;
and it is to this prophecy of prophecies that we wish to direct attention
at the present time. It is generally known as the prophecy of the Seventy
Weeks (#Da 9:24-27).
The setting of this prophecy should first be carefully noted. Daniel had
learned, through (#Jer 25:11 29:10), that the period which God had set
for the "desolations of Jerusalem" was just seventy years (#Da
9:1). That period was then about to expire; for the decree, whereby the
captivity was ended and the Jews were allowed (and even exhorted) to return
to their land and city, was issued by Cyrus within two years (#Ezr 1:1).
That this was the fulfilment of Jeremiahs prophecy is certainly
known, because it is recorded in (#Ezr 1:1), that the Lord stirred up
the spirit of Cyrus to issue that decree, for the express purpose that
"the word of the Lord by the mouth of Jeremiah might be fulfilled."
This is surpassingly wonderful and impressive.
The effect upon Daniel of receiving this revelation was to send him to
his knees in confession and prayer. His prayer should be carefully examined.
It will be seen that it has to do entirely with the city, the sanctuary,
and the people of God, with special reference to the "desolations"
of the city. It will be seen also that these same subjects are what occupy
the prophecy which the angel Gabriel brought to Daniel in response to
his prayer. We call special attention to this, and also to the following
points of interest:
1. Gods response to Daniels prayer was in the form of a revelation
brought to him by the angel Gabriel, who stated, as the first item of
information, that the seventy years of captivity were to be followed by
a period of seventy sevens (of years). The word here rendered "weeks"
is literally "sevens; " so there is no doubt that the period
designated in this prophecy is seventy sevens of years 490 years.
2. The decree which was to bring the captivity to an end by freeing the
Jews, granting them liberty to return to their own land and to rebuild
the city and sanctuary, was to be also the starting point of the "determined"
period of seventy sevens of years. This is clearly seen from the prophecy
itself in connection with Ezra 1:1 and other Scriptures hereafter referred
to; and it is important indeed necessary in order to avoid being misledthat
we grasp this fact and keep it in mind. So we repeat that the epoch making
decree of Cyrus in the first year of his reign (as sole king), in virtue
of which the city and temple were rebuilt under Zerubbabel and Joshua,
was both the termination of the 70 years captivity and also the starting
point for the prophetic period of 70 sevens, which had been "determined,
" or measured out, in the councils of heaven, upon the people and
the holy city. Where the one period was to end, the other (just seven
times as long) was to begin. Again we ask that this point be carefully
noted. Full proof of its correctness will be given in our next chapter.
3. Daniel had, in his prayer, confessed the sins of his people, for which
sins God had brought upon them the "desolations" of their city
and sanctuary. But, to his intense grief no doubt, the angel Gabriel revealed
to him that a far more terrible sin, the very culmination of the sins
of the people, was yet to be committed by them. This was to happen within
the period "determined" by the prophecy; and moreover, in consequence
thereof, a judgment far more severe was to fall upon them, even the utter
destruction of the city and sanctuary, the sweeping away of the nation
as "with a flood, " and "desolations" of age
long duration. No wonder we find Daniel, in the third year of Cyrus, still
mourning and fasting three full weeks, and lamenting that his comeliness
was turned in him into corruption (#Da 10:2,3,8).
Daniel had said in his prayer, "Yea, all Israel have transgressed"
(#Da 9:11). An evident response to this is seen in the words of Gabriel,
"seventy weeks are determined upon thy people to finish the transgression."
With this we may compare the words of Christ, spoken to the leaders of
Israel, just before the Olivet discourse: "Fill ye up then the measure
of your fathers" (#Mt 23:32). They did so by rejecting and crucifying
4. The most important feature of the revelation brought by Gabriel to
Daniel was the precise measure of time (69 sevens, or 483 years) "to
Messiah, THE PRINCE"; and the time when Messiah was to be "cut
off and have nothing." This is the wonder of wonders, the prophecy
of prophecies.
5. The angel Gabriel, who brought these marvellous predictions to Daniel,
is the same who announced the approach of the fulfilment of them to Zacharias
and to Mary (#Lu 1:11-19,26).
6. The expression used by Gabriel to Daniel, "thou art greatly beloved,
" is the exact equivalent of the word addressed by the same messenger
to Mary"thou art highly favoured" (Ansteys Bible
Chronology, p. 276). Mr. Anstey says of this expression: "It is used
three times to Daniel, and never to anyone else except Mary; and Gabriel
is the only angel employed to make known to men the revelation of the
mystery of redemption."
7. The revelation embraces two main subjects (a) the coming and cutting
off of the Messiah, (b) the destruction and "desolation" of
the City and Sanctuary. It is a fact very familiar to all readers of the
Bible, that Christ Jesus called this prophecy to the minds of His disciples
on the eve of His being "cut off, " and definitely announced
to them at that time the approaching destruction and "desolation"
of Jerusalem and the Temple (#Mt 24:1-22 Lu 21:20-24).
In these seven points we have the main elements for a right understanding
of the prophecy.
{a} Ansteys Chronology is unhappily now out of print. But the present
writer has published a book, The Wonders of Bible Chronology. (Reiner
Publications, $1.50) which gives the important features of Ansteys
Index - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - Appendix