Gentile Line of Prophecy
Jewish Line of Prophecy

Date of commencement.



Seal and Trumpet Series



Seal I., chap. vi. 1,2

White Horse--Roman prosperity.



Seal II., chap. vi. 3, 4

Red Horse--Praetorian Prefects.



Seal III., chap. vi. 5, 6

Black Horse--Fiscal oppression.



Seal IV., chap. vi. 7, 8

Pale Horse--Period of Disaster.



Seal V., chap. vi. 9, 10, 11

Era of Martyrs




Seal VI., chap. vi. 12--end, chap. vii.

Judgment of Paganism. - Sealing vision: or, manifested distinction between outward Christendom or mystical Israel, and the 144,000, or election of grace out of it in each successive age, the superficial square section of the cube which represents the whole Church, or "multitude whom no man can number."




Seal VII., chaps. viii., ix., x., xi.

Trumpet 1.

Alaric and the Goths.



Trumpet 2.

Genseric and the Vandals.



Trumpet 3.

Attila and the Huns.







Trumpet 4.

Eclipse of Western Empire--Romulus Augustulus.

Edict of Phocas. 1260 "days" commence, chap. xi. 3

Jerusalem taken by the Persians.






Trumpet 5.


First Woe begins--Caliphate of Abubeker.

End of First Woe--Death of Caliph Moctader











































Trumpet 6.

Second Woe begins.

Seljukian Turks--Togrul Beg--1st Euphratean Angel. Tartars--Genghis Khan--2nd Euphratean Angel.

Wycliffe--close of 1290 "days" for years, Dan. xii. 11. Timour--3rd Euphratean Angel.

Huss--close of 1335 "days" for years, Dan. xii. 12.

Ottoman Turks take Constantinople, "slay the third part of men."--4th Euphratean Angel.

Reformation--The Rainbow-encircled Angel--The open Bible and the Protestant commission--Wars of religion ending with French Revolution, or witnesses smithing the earth with plagues.

Massacres of September--vengeance for St. Bartholemew.

Fall of Sixth, and rise of Seventh Head of ten-horned beast, or Roman Empire.

Short lived Seventh Head slain at Battle of Waterloo.

Attempt by Austria to revive Roman Empire (under sixth Head) defeated at Sadowa.

Termination of 1260 "days" for years, chap. xi. 7.--Announcement of Ecumenical Council.--Pan-Anglican Synod.

Vatican Council meet--the West without East. Proclamation of Pope's infallibility.

Attempt by Napoleon III. to revive Roman Empire (under 7th Head)--defeated at Sedan.

Temporal power of the Pope destroyed.

Attempt to form "Commune," or "Red Republic," in hope of "United States" of Europe; that is, a Republican form of Roman Empire,--the second, third, fourth, or fifth head of ten-horned beast.

Temptation to German Emperor to revive Roman Empire under its sixth head resisted.


Eighth Ecumenical Council of East and West at Jerusalem, under revived Roman Empire--Death of the witnesses--lifeless organizations of Protestant Churches seen in their representatives at Jerusalem--for three years and a half, chap. xi. 8-10.

Revival of Protestant Churches, chap. xi. 11, 12.

Fall and repentance of tenth part of the city--or England, chap. xi. 13.

Second Woe ends, chap xi. 14.


Trumpet 7, chap. xi. 15-end.

"The Last Trump."


Third Woe Begins.

The great hail, chap. xi. 19.


Sign and Vial Series

Sign I., chap. xii. 1, 2

(History commences in Apostolic days, A.D. 96.)

Woman clothed with the Sun--The True Church in Her Conflict.






Sign II., chap. xii. 3-end, xiii. 1-10.

(History commences with Diocletian, A.D. 303.)

Ten-horned beast--Roman Empire.

1st, Pagan, chap. xii.--2nd, Apostate, perpetuated through Emperors of Constantinople and German and French Emperors, culminating in its last French, German, or other form with two Emperors, or one possessing the East and the West, or in a revived form of Roman Republic, chap. xiii.



















Sign III., chap. xiii. 11-end.

(History commences with Council of Florence, A.D. 1436-9.)

Two-horned beast consisting of Daniel's two "little horns" (Dan vii. viii.) united; or, APOSTATE CHURCHES, Latin and Greek, united at last in one, and making an image of the ten-horned beast, or Council Ecumenical.






Sign IV., chap. xiv. 1-5.

(History commences about A.D. 1515.)

The 144,000--Reformation Church. The 144,000 of that period, on Mount Zion (comp. Hebrews, xii. 22) catching the song of the heavenly harpers.



Sign V., chap. xiv. 6-13

(History commences about A.D. 1732.)

Three Flying Angels - or - Tendencies of the Present Age.

1. Evangelical Revival and Missionary tendency, beginning with Moravian Missions and Wesley's and Whitefield's preaching, commencing about A.D. 1732.

2. Revolutionary tendency resulting in debasement of the Papacy, commencing A.D. 1789.

3. Tendency to Democratic Imperialism, commencing A.D. 1806 (when the Emperor of Germany ceased to be "Roman Emperor," and Napoleon I., Emperor of the French, took his place), Representative Catholicism, and Union in Apostasy, which will issue eventually in the formation of Great Council or "image of the beast," and the persecution of the saints.












Sign VI., chap. xiv. 14-20.

1. The Harvest--Christ's Harvest of Martyrs.

2. The Vintage--Overthrow of the Western Empire in Palestine.




Sign VII., chaps. xv., xvi.

The Vial Angels.

(Midnight cry, Matt. xxv. 6; Master knocking, Luke xii. 36)

No man was able to enter into the temple.

No conversions any longer take place.

One of the Vial Angels chap. xvii. 1.

Fall of Babylon, chaps. xvii. xviii. chap. xix. 1-10.

Vial 1.

Vial 2.

Vial 3.

Vial 4.

Vial 5.

Vial 6.

"Behold I come as a thief."

Vial 7.

One of the Vial Angels, chap. xxi. 9.

The Bride revealed at Christ's appearing (i. 7.)

1st Resurrection, chap. xx1 9-end, chap. xx. 1-9.






____ made ready

"See thou do it not." Chap. xix. 10. "See thou do it not." Chap. xxii. 9.

The great hail, chap. xvi. 21.
































































































Times of the Gentiles close, Luke xxi. 24.

Jerusalem governed by Jews, Zech. xii. 1-9.

Temple built in unbelief, Isa. lxvi. 1.

THE APPEARING, Zech. xii.10, Isa. lxvi. 5.

Judah's conversion, Zech. xii. 10-xiii. 1.

Elijah's Mission to Ten Tribes, Mal. iv. 5.

Ten Tribes begin to Return, Hosea i., ii.

Roman Empire under the Emperor of the East, chap. xix. 19.

Apostate Church, its Eastern horn predominant, as "the false prophet," chap. xix. 11-end.

Christ coming with all His saints, chap. xix. 11-end.

Gog, Prince of Rosh, Meshech, and Tubal, or Russia, Muscovy, and Tobolsk, Ezek. xxxviii., xxxix.

Christ Standing with all His saints on the Mount of Olives, Zech. xiv. 3-5.

The Millennial Reign, chap. xx. 1-6, OR,

Earth's Regeneration preparatory to its everlasting blessedness. Resurrection of the unsaved heathen "Gog and Magog," chap. xx. 7-10. New Heavens and New Earth completed, chap. xxi. 1-8.

Return of all Israel, Isa. lxvi 19, 20.

The Temple built, Ezek. xl.-end.

Commencement of Earth's Renewal at beginning of Millennium, Isa lxv. 17.

Earth's Renewal completed, at close of the Millennium, Isa. lxvi. 22.

In this Chart series of events are placed in chronological order (like trains in railway time tables) according to their commencements, but, as in all history, sometimes overlap, and run parallel to each other. For example, in the first column the first trumpet began to sound before the second, but continued to sound after it; while, on the other hand, the fifth trumpet ceased to sound before the sixth (which is now sounding alone) began. In the second column, the separate histories symbolized by the first five signs, commencing in successive ages, are still running on parallel to each other, and the last two have not yet commenced.

Extracted from "A Commentary on the Revelation of St. John," by Sammuel Garratt, M.A., Hon. Canon of Norwich (William Hunt & Co., London.)

Just a note: I do not completely agree with the details of Mr. Garratt's chart above. The main difference between Garratt and the majority of premillennial historicists, since the Reformation, in their various interpretations of Revelation have to do with the heads of the beast. In the chart above, this can be seen in Garratt's understanding of the events following 1806 regarding the later heads of the beast. However, Mr. Garratt's work is extremely well researched, and his understanding of the Scriptures is remarkable. The perspective he brings to the study of Revelation, even if we disagree with a few details, is both scholarly and edifying. If you have any questions regarding this, email - J. L. Haynes

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